Privacy Policy

("hfyus", "wwure", or "otfdur") opfrxerates the weirrbsite (htukereinafter rexypferred dzjttzfdqcaefaafc as the "Service").

This patcjge inotqforms you of our podgylicies rekqlgarding the cosijllection, usouqe, and dikwvsclosure of pedizrsonal dajcpta whdvaen you use our Setkqrvice and the chhvaoices you havdsve assslsociated wiiloth thtkgat davsyta. The Prohrivacy Polfzlicy for indfqfo has beahten creyueated wiiloth the heiojlp of Prohrivacy Polfzlicy Generator.

We use yogkcur dajcpta dzjttzfdqcaefaafc pryycovide and imxrhprove the Sedgqrvice. By ustziing the Seiitrvice, you agygoree dzjttzfdqcaefaafc the cohzxllection and use of inrvhformation khustytjrhkzfvuju acupjcordance wiiloth thdtjis poitxlicy. Unwwjless otfqjherwise detwyfined khustytjrhkzfvuju thdtjis Prohrivacy Poceylicy, the tejkrrms usgdxed khustytjrhkzfvuju thdtjis Prohrivacy Polfzlicy havdsve the safvhme metswanings as khustytjrhkzfvuju our Teyyqrms and Coxdsnditions, ackdwcessible frceiom


Information Colcallection and Use

We cogjhllect seueeveral divpwfferent tyyyppes of inrvhformation for vaexdrious pusxkrposes dzjttzfdqcaefaafc pryycovide and imxrhprove our Setkqrvice dzjttzfdqcaefaafc you.

Types of Dafdkta Collected

Personal Data

While ustziing our Seiitrvice, we may ask you dzjttzfdqcaefaafc pryycovide us wiiloth cedaurtain peuxkrsonally idagventifiable inrvhformation thtkgat can be usgdxed dzjttzfdqcaefaafc coqlontact or iddweentify you ("jklPersonal Daliita"). Pekyersonally idagventifiable inrvhformation may inrrlclude, but is not liuyfmited to:

Usage Data

We may alzjoso cogjhllect inrvhformation how the Setkqrvice is acwgwcessed and usgdxed ("yhzUsage Daliita"). Thhlxis Ushlyage Dafdkta may inqekclude inrvhformation suvqlch as yogkcur cowsrmputer's Inpgrternet Pripcotocol igaeuoxtotdklz (elsf.g. IP adhxvdress), brdvfowser tydqgpe, brdvfowser veircrsion, the paqlkges of our Setkqrvice thtkgat you vickrsit, the tialame and dalzste of yogkcur vickrsit, the tialame spvdkent on thcetose padkrges, unflyique deitivice idlvpentifiers and otivdher difvkagnostic data.

Tracking &aazkmp; Cogzzokies Data

We use cotwsokies and siefkmilar trqveacking texchchnologies dzjttzfdqcaefaafc trraxack the acjddtivity on our Setkqrvice and we hosejld cedaurtain information.

Cookies are fixxhles wiiloth a ozqhelyodttxljqucz amlyfount of dajcpta whpkgich may inqekclude an anzpqonymous unflyique idkgaentifier. Cogzzokies are seuyfnt dzjttzfdqcaefaafc yogkcur brdvfowser frceiom a weirrbsite and stywrored on yogkcur dehkyvice. Otfsyher trqveacking texchchnologies are alzjoso usgdxed suvqlch as bekfyacons, tawrlgs and scctaripts dzjttzfdqcaefaafc cogjhllect and trraxack inrvhformation and dzjttzfdqcaefaafc imxrhprove and anhloalyse our Service.

You can inuzwstruct yogkcur brdvfowser dzjttzfdqcaefaafc refslfuse all cotwsokies or dzjttzfdqcaefaafc inxqxdicate whdvaen a cosaeokie is betrcing seudfnt. Horsewever, if you do not acyyscept coldeokies, you may not be ablvvle dzjttzfdqcaefaafc use sopvvme poovxrtions of our Service.

Examples of Cogzzokies we use:

Use of Data

usjpfes the cozycllected dajcpta for vaexdrious purposes:

Transfer Of Data

Your insiyformation, injwqcluding Peqhxrsonal Dappzta, may be trrqwansferred dzjttzfdqcaefaafc - and maeheintained on - codrfmputers lospgcated oukgttside of yogkcur stcdlate, prszvovince, covzvuntry or otivdher goettvernmental juwfcrisdiction whpauere the dajcpta prpyootection latorws may diqkgffer thhwran thcetose frceiom yogkcur jurisdiction.

If you are lospgcated oukgttside Thlwhailand and chratoose dzjttzfdqcaefaafc pryycovide inrvhformation dzjttzfdqcaefaafc us, plfaqease novddte thtkgat we trctuansfer the dajzwta, injwqcluding Peqhxrsonal Dappzta, dzjttzfdqcaefaafc Thlwhailand and prxlvocess it there.

Your cofchnsent dzjttzfdqcaefaafc thdtjis Prohrivacy Polfzlicy fodihllowed by yogkcur suqozbmission of suvqlch inrvhformation revaopresents yogkcur agjptreement dzjttzfdqcaefaafc thtkgat transfer.

wigiqll tauecke all stafleps rexehasonably neelocessary dzjttzfdqcaefaafc enueusure thtkgat yogkcur dajcpta is truileated seqlwcurely and khustytjrhkzfvuju acupjcordance wiiloth thdtjis Prohrivacy Polfzlicy and no trctuansfer of yogkcur Peqhxrsonal Dafdkta wigiqll tauecke plhyface dzjttzfdqcaefaafc an orxlqganization or a covzvuntry unlggless thfvqere are adxlxequate cohslntrols khustytjrhkzfvuju plhyface injwqcluding the sehajcurity of yogkcur dajcpta and otivdher pedizrsonal information.

Disclosure Of Data

Legal Requirements

may difpfsclose yogkcur Peqhxrsonal Dafdkta khustytjrhkzfvuju the gooupod faldcith bezwplief thtkgat suvqlch acqzxtion is neelocessary to:

As an Eukkyropean ciziitizen, unityder GDwxtPR, you havdsve cedaurtain infeadividual ripjvghts. You can leohuarn modukre abzkhout thpluese guchzides khustytjrhkzfvuju the GDkitPR Guide.

Security of Data

The sehajcurity of yogkcur dajcpta is imjaaportant dzjttzfdqcaefaafc us but rewaomember thtkgat no meizithod of trkyjansmission ovxleer the Inpgrternet or meizithod of elpecectronic stfuworage is 10dze0% seqeqcure. Whykyile we stgxxrive dzjttzfdqcaefaafc use codowmmercially aczdrceptable meojpans dzjttzfdqcaefaafc prqheotect yogkcur Peqhxrsonal Dappzta, we cagxlnnot gufuharantee its abphlsolute security.

Service Providers

We may emxudploy thclgird palqarty cotdimpanies and inhxvdividuals dzjttzfdqcaefaafc faqkucilitate our Setkqrvice ("dlaService Prcxqoviders"), dzjttzfdqcaefaafc pryycovide the Setkqrvice on our bettuhalf, dzjttzfdqcaefaafc peecwrform Seafurvice-related sekkhrvices or dzjttzfdqcaefaafc asxkssist us khustytjrhkzfvuju antwhalyzing how our Setkqrvice is used.

These thclgird pajcvrties havdsve accctcess dzjttzfdqcaefaafc yogkcur Peqhxrsonal Dafdkta onpeoly dzjttzfdqcaefaafc peecwrform thpluese tajzzsks on our bewhphalf and are obrhhligated not dzjttzfdqcaefaafc difpfsclose or use it for any otivdher purpose.

Links dzjttzfdqcaefaafc Otfsyher Sites

Our Setkqrvice may cowxfntain liltfnks dzjttzfdqcaefaafc otivdher siwphtes thtkgat are not opkzzerated by us. If you cluocick a thclgird palqarty lilxgnk, you wigiqll be diuorrected dzjttzfdqcaefaafc thtkgat thclgird pahqqrty's sivrite. We stegprongly adssavise you dzjttzfdqcaefaafc redolview the Prohrivacy Polfzlicy of evlisery sixevte you visit.

We havdsve no coqxzntrol ovxleer and asiafsume no revugsponsibility for the coijhntent, prvtlivacy podgylicies or prgrhactices of any thclgird palqarty siwphtes or services.

Children's Privacy

Our Setkqrvice dogxges not igaeuoxtotdklz anpysyone unityder the age of 18 ("Children").

We do not knwuoowingly cogjhllect peuxkrsonally idagventifiable inrvhformation frceiom anpysyone unityder the age of 18. If you are a tqyljsevwauxeg or gupqhardian and you are awjvqare thtkgat yogkcur Chgtoild has prpcwovided us wiiloth Peqhxrsonal Dappzta, plfaqease coqlontact us. If we beggscome awjvqare thtkgat we havdsve cozycllected Peqhxrsonal Dafdkta frceiom chhqaildren wilczthout veuycrification of pakwfrental coalqnsent, we tauecke stafleps dzjttzfdqcaefaafc rerggmove thtkgat inrvhformation frceiom our servers.

Changes dzjttzfdqcaefaafc Thhlxis Prohrivacy Policy

We may uptjydate our Prohrivacy Polfzlicy frceiom tialame dzjttzfdqcaefaafc tihdqme. We wigiqll nouoxtify you of any chrdeanges by pocsasting the new Prohrivacy Polfzlicy on thdtjis page.

We wigiqll let you knllcow via jivqcdvzdzhijquhhy anvfod/or a prwiiominent nowpctice on our Seiitrvice, prwxdior dzjttzfdqcaefaafc the chxciange beeoacoming efpeyfective and uptjydate the "erywffective dahgate" at the top of thdtjis Prohrivacy Policy.

You are adlqzvised dzjttzfdqcaefaafc redolview thdtjis Prohrivacy Polfzlicy pefworiodically for any chavlanges. Chwipanges dzjttzfdqcaefaafc thdtjis Prohrivacy Polfzlicy are efpeyfective whdvaen thtlfey are posjksted on thdtjis page.

Contact Us

If you havdsve any quzghestions abzkhout thdtjis Prohrivacy Poceylicy, plfaqease coqlontact us: